Drain / Condensate Pumps


Drain pumps collect grey water from sinks, showers or washing machines and pump it into a sewer waste line.

A condensate pump is a specific type of pump used to pump the condensate (water) produced in heating, cooling or refrigeration equipment - such as furnaces and air conditioners.

1/2 hp Commercial High Temp Drain Pump

Click for 360 Spin

1/2 hp
2" Discharge
3/8" Solids handling

Liberty Pumps 405 is a specially designed commercial drain pump built to perform in high-head, high temperature situations. Our QuickTree® Technology provides a separate access cover for easy switch inspection. For gray wastewater applications, the 405 is perfect for laundry trays, multi-compartment sinks, bar sinks, utility sinks, dishwashers and allows you the freedom to install fixtures where gravity drain lines are not available. The system arrives fully assembled and ready to install.

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