b'S30-Series 240-Series1/3 hpFeatures 1/4 hpFeatures1-1/2" DischargeOil-filled motor with 1-1/2" DischargeOil-filled motors with A competitively priced 1/3 hpthermal overload protection At 22 lbsthe 240-Series isthermal overload protectionsump pump with higher- Vortex-style impeller the heaviest built 1/4 hpVortex-style impellerpriced pump features! reduces clogging by pump on the market! Rockreduces clogging byforeign materials solid and dependable, thisforeign materials Dual bearing design series combines heavyFeatures Liberty Pumps construction with anunique uni-body casting, attractive price. a one-piece cast iron Higher inlet ports reduce potential for debris to housing that eliminatesenter pump the motor seal ring.Model S37 Vertical float switch Model S37-P Vertical float switch with piggyback series plug Also availableModel S38with wide-angle/ Wide-angle float switch with piggy back float piggyback series plug switchModel S37 Shown Model 247 Shown'